Thursday, February 23, 2012

Knowledge is your Best Prepreation

I keep hearing the same statement from new Preppers. "I just started and I feel overwhelmed. What should I do first?".
Your doing it right now! Learn, Learn, Learn. Gather every book you can get your hands on. Do not take any book as if it were law, but read several on the same subject and take what works best for you. Some examples of good books in my library are: Back to Basics, published by Readers Digest. Life After Doomsday, by Bruce D. Clayton. Doctors Book of Home Remedies by the editors of Prevention Magazine. There are many, many others, but these are some of my favorites. Another book in my library as well as in my bug out bag is the Bible. Not only is there great inspiration for Preppers, but during an emergency, the bible can bring comfort like nothing else.
So don't feel overwhelmed. You can only do what you can do. The world will probably not end tomorrow, but be prepared for it. Start with knowledge and then begin collecting things to help you survive tomorrow. Then the next day and the next. Before you know it, others will be coming to you and asking you what to do, and you'll have all the answers.

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