So now you have a basement full of mac & cheese. Now what? Well, I guess the first thing you should ask yourself is "To flee or not to flee"? Each of us has to look around us and think of every possible situation that could occur. The popular thought right now is a complete economic collapse is coming. This is a possibility, but not the only one. If you live in a major city, a terrorist chemical or biological attack is a possibility as well. Floods, fires, hurricanes, or other major disasters may dislodge you from your home. Each of us has different circumstances, but any of us, for a number of reasons, may have to "bug out" and leave our home behind.
Its for this reason that I recommend putting together a "bug-out bag". Ideally, this bag would be a backpack with everything you need for a minimum of 3 days. Food, water, a sleeping bag, any medications you need to have, and a means of making a fire. If you don't have a backpack, then a "tupper-tote" or even a 5 gallon bucket will do. Keep this packed, one for each member of your family and keep it in an easily accessible place where it can be grabbed in a moments notice. Now if you have the room, and can comfortably carry the weight for an extended period of time, you may want to add a few other necessities to make life a little more enjoyable. Toilet paper, an extra change of warm clothing, a knife, and some light cord, rope or wire are few good examples. Remember to not over do it. This is supposed to be just a bare necessities bag, easily transportable. I've been with guys whose "bug-out bags" have weighed over 75 pounds, and after just a few hundred yards up hill, they are looking for things to throw out of the bag to lighten the load. Once you have everything you think you'll need, take it for a hike. After packing it for a few miles you'll definitely know if you have too much.
So what do I have in my bag? I carry 3 military MRE meals (Meal, Ready to Eat) which can be picked up at most good Army surplus stores for about $8.00 each. I have a small pocket water purification kit. An all weather sleeping bag in a waterproof cover, a 2 man dome tent, a magnesium fire starter and tinder kit, a canteen, a "leather-man" type tool, a compass, a basic first aid kit, 50' of parachute cord and a .22 rifle with a box of shells. There is a also a zip-lock bag with toilet tissue, instant coffee, and waterproof matches. The rifle is an AR-7, designed for the Air Force, it collapses into its own stock and floats. Very lightweight and cost me around $100 at a Pawn Shop. Mine was made by Charter Arms, but Henry Rifles is building them now and I'm seeing them new for under $150.

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